"Verum est, certum et verissimum, quod est, superius naturam habet inferioram et ascendens naturam descendentis."

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During my university years I strongly believed that academic literacy would be my way. Only after long years of ignorance did I stop academic writing. The library started as a collection of documents by me, family members and friends. Since then the library has become a growing selection of writings to include classic topical documents. The collection is in Hungarian only, hence there are far better selections in English. You will find those in my link directories. Altogether the library is a symbolic act.

Use the materials with respect to the author.


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Philosophy and Religion

Buddhist Philosophy :


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Available in Hungarian:

Tarr Dániel : Dharmabeszéd . (A Speech of Dharma) . [2001] {GDBC Mahayana} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Hinajána buddhizmus (Hinayana Buddhism):

Klaus Mylius - Russel Webb : A Páli Kánon . (The Pali Canon - Structure and brief content) . [2005.]
Vekerdi József : Buddha beszédei . (Speeches of Buddha) . [Helikon Kiadó, Budapest, 1989.]
Vekerdi József : Dhammapada . (Dhammapada) . [Terebess Kiadó, Budapest, 1999.]
Vekerdi József : Dzsátakák . (Játakas) . [Terebess Kiadó, Budapest, 1998.]
Tarr Dániel : Hinajána Buddhizmus . (Hinayana Buddhism) . – [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Mahajána buddhizmus (Mahayana Buddhism):

Tarr Dániel : Mahajána Buddhizmus . (Mahayana Buddhism The History of Mahayana Schools) . [Autumn 1994] – [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001.] -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Bódhiszattva . (Bodhisattva) . {GDBC Mahayana} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]

Kínai buddhizmus (Chinese Buddhism):

Kósa Gábor : Kínai buddhista iskolák . (Chinese Buddhism) . [200x] – [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 200x.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Hamar Imre: A kínai buddhista filozófia korszakai és főbb jellegzetességei . (The main periods and charateristics of Chinese Buddhist philosophy). [1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Tibeti buddhizmus (Tibetan Buddhism):

Soós Sándor : A Nyolcvannégy Mahásziddha Legendája . (The Legends of the 84 Mahasiddha) . [2000] - [(Pdf) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : A Nyingma Kialakulása . (The Origins of Nyingma) . [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Csecangpa : Bódhicsitta . (Bodhicitta) . {translation from Tibetan by Tamás Agócs} [2005] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Lodrö Sonam : A Bölcsesség Tökéletessége . (The Perfection of Wisdom). [Schoolbook of the GDBC, 2001] - [(MS Word) « read it
Chogyam Trugpa : A Bölcs-Bolondság . (The Roar of the Lion - Wisdom and Craziness). {translation from English by Bence Tarr} [2001] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Congkapa: Lam-Rim . (Congkapa: Lam-Rim). [1997] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Bardo Tödol . (Bardo Tödol - Tibetan Meditations on Death). [1998] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Csenrézi . (Chenrezig). [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} – [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Tarr Bence : Buddhacsaládok . (Buddha family analogies). [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Kálacsakra Tantra . (Kalachakra Tantra). [2000] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Zen buddhizmus (Zen Buddhism):

Dobosy Antal : Zen tanítások . (Zen teachings) .
Tarr Dániel : Lin-csi . (Lin-chi) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Zen Buddhism} - [(MS Word) « readit ] 
Soós Sándor : Sinran . (Sinran) . [2003] {CREDO Evangélikus Műhely, IX. évfolyam, 2003. 3-4. szám.} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
John Drew :
A Kamakurai Buddha . (The Buddha at Kamakura) . [1995] {poems in English} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Madhjamaka buddhizmus (Madhyamaka Buddhism):

Fehér Judit : A Középút Alapversei . (Buddhapálita - Múlamadhyamakavritti) . {GDBC Madhyamaka} - [(MS Word) « read it ] .
Fehér Judit
: Ki az igazi mádhyamika? . (Who is the real madhyamika?) . {GDBC Madhyamaka} - [(MS Word) « read it ] .

Jógacsára buddhizmus (Yogacara Buddhism):

Tenigl-Takács László : A jógacsára filozófiája . (The Philosophy of Yogacara). {GDBC Yogacara} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Vaszubandhu - Minden csak Tudomás . (Vasubandhu - The Proof of the Mind only). [Spring 1996] {GDBC Yogacara Buddhism} -[[(MS Word) « read it
Fehér Judit : Nágárdzsuna: Drágakőfűzér . (Nágárjuna - Ratnávali ) . {GDBC Yogacara} -[[« read it ] .
Tarr Bence : Lankavatára szútra . (Lankavatara sutra - on alaya-vijnana) . {GDBC Yogacara} -[[« read it ]
Tarr Bence : Csak Tudat Tan . (Mind Only Philosophy). {GDBC Yogacara} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Jógacsára és Realizmus . (Yogacara and Realism - An Addition to Naive Realism) . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]

Buddhista ismeretelmélet (Buddhist Epistemology):

Tarr Dániel : Vaszubandhu - A Három önvaló Tanítása . (Vasubandhu - The Teaching of the Three Selves). [Spring 1996] {GDBC Yogacara Buddhism} -[[(MS Word) « read it
Tarr Dániel : Éntelenség és Üresség . (Selflessness and Emptiness) . [Spring 1995] {GDBC Mahayana Buddhism} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Héjjas Emese : Buddhista és Pszichológiai Episztemológia . (Buddhist and Psychological Epistemology) . (GBDC BA Thesis) [1999] - [(MS Word) « read it
Tarr Dániel : Buddhista episztemológiai szójegyzék . (Buddhist Epistemological Glossary). [1998] {GDBC Buddhist Epistemology} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]

Buddhista logika (Buddhist Logic):

Ruzsa Ferenc : Négy Mahájána Mester . (Four Masters of Mahayana) .


Chinese Philosophy :


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» the Taoist Library

Available in Hungarian:

Lao-ce : Tao Te King . (Tao Te King) . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Csuang-ce : Csuang-ce bölcsessége . (The wisdom of Chuang-tse) . {Fordította Brelich Angelo}
Wen-ce : Lao-ce utolsó tanításai . (The last teachings of Lao-tse) . {Fordította Varga Sándor}

Lü Yen : Az Aranyvirág fakadásának titka . (Lu Yen: Secret of the Golden Flower) . {Fordította Kaczvinszky József}

Kósa Gábor : Kínai Filozófia . (Chinese Philosophy) . [200x] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Prutkay Csaba : A Taoizmusról . (Taoism - Introduction) . [2001] -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Prutkay Csaba : Három Barlang Négy Kiegészítés - A taoizmus írásos hagyománya . (The Written Heritage of Taoism) . [2002] -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Prutkay Csaba : A taoista oltár . (The Taoist Shrine) . [1998] -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Bevezetés a Kínai Filozófiába . (Introduction to Chinese Philosophy) [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Chinese Philosophy}
Tarr Bence : A Lét a pre-taoista és Preszókratikus filozófiában - Wang-pi és Parmenidész . (Wang-pi and Parmenides - The question of Existance in pre-taoist and presocratic philosophy) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : A felborult rend filozófiája - Hesziodosz és a Ji-King . (The Philosophy of Lost Order - Hesiod and the Ji-King) [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]



Hermetic Philosophy :


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Available in Hungarian:

Tarr Dániel : Hermetika, Mágia és Okkultizmus . (Hermetic Magic and Occultism) . [Autumn 1998] -[ [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Mágia definíciók . (Magick - definitions). [1999] {Szintézis} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Mágikus Alapfogalmak . (Foundations of Magic). [Autumn 1999] - [Szintézis Open University (1999-2002)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : A Mágia Tudománya . (The Science of Magic) . [Spring 1999] - [Elixír 124. & 125. (1999 June & July) - [Szintézis Open University (1999)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Tarr Bence : Alkímia . (Alchemy) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE PHIL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Drog a Mágiában . (Drugs in Magic) . [Spring 1996] - [Törökfürdő 1996/2-3] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Teremtés a zsidó ezotériában . (The concept of Creation in Jewish esoteric) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE PHIL} [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Tarot analógiák . (Tarot Analogies) . [1999] {work file} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Dictionary of Magic . [1999-2004] - {under constant construction} -[[(MS Word) « read it ] (offline version only)
Daniel Tarr : Universal Symbolism in Human Culture . [Autumn 1998] - [Szintézis Open University (1998 Nov.)]

Available in English:

Daniel Tarr : Milton's Paradise Lost - The Fall of Man . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) «read it ]
Daniel Tarr : H.P. Lovecraft - The Cthulhu Myth . [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : William Blake - The Book of Urizen . (MA Thesis) [March 2000] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]


Hindu Philosophy :


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» my Hindu Directory


Available in Hungarian:

Tarr Dániel : Siva Himnusz . (A Hymn to Siva) . [1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Upanisadok (Upanishad):

Tenigl-Takács László : Upanisadok . (Upanishad) . [Ursus, 1998.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Az Upanisadok Titkos Tanítása . (The Secret Doctrine of the Upanishad) . [1993] {GDBC Upanishad Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Prána - átman . (Prana - Atman) . [1993] {GDBC Upanishad Philosophy} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Njája (Nyaya):

Gótama : A Logika Szövétneke . (Gautama: Nyaya-sutra) . [1992] {Fordította és a jegyzeteket írta Tenigl-Takács László} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Szánkhja (Samkhya):

Sankara : A Brahma-szútra magyarázata . (Brahma-Sutra-Sankara-Bhasyam) . [1996] {Fordította és a jegyzeteket írta Ruzsa Ferenc} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Sankara : A megkülönböztetés drágaköve (Vivekachundamani) . (Shankara: Vivekachundamani) . [1984] {Fordította és az előszót írta Hetényi Ernő}
Sankara : Az azonosság Lelkének ismerete (Atma Bodha) . (Shankara: Atma Bodha) . {Fordította Gyula}
Isvarakrisna :
A számvetés megokolása (Szánkhja-káriká) . (Ishvarakrishna: Samkhya-karika) . [1997] {Fordította és magyarázatokkal ellátta Farkas Attila Márton és Tenigl-Takács László} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Fórizs László : Szánkhja - A Lélek Ébredése . (Samkhya - The Awakening of the Soul) . [1993] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Ruzsa Ferenc : A Klasszikus Szánkhja Filozófiája . (Classical Samkhya Philosophy) . [1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Jóga (Yoga):

Patandzsali : Az Igazság Szövétneke (Jóga-Szútra) . (Patanjali: Yoga-sutra) . [1997] {Fordította és magyarázatokkal ellátta Farkas Attila Márton és Tenigl-Takács László} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Kara István : A Tudat Leigázása . (Yoga - Mastering the Mind). [2000] {GDBC Classic Joga} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Hindu Tantra (Hindu Tantra):

Tarr Dániel : A Hindu Tantra követői és gyakorlata . (The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra) . (GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Siva Kultusza . (The Cult of Siva) . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Kara István : Kápalika Szádhana . (Kapalika Sadhana) . (GDBC BA Thesis) [2001] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Jonathan Parry : Az Aghori Aszkéták . (The Aghori Ascetics) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Indiai Aszketizmus
. (Indian Asceticism) . [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Hindu Tantra jegyzet . (Hindu Tantra Notes) . (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]


Philosophy and Anthropology of Religion :


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» the Religion Library

Available in Hungarian:

Tarr Bence : MER - A piramis . (The Pyramid) . [Spring 1995] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel - Nagy Domonkos : Piramidológia . (True Measures of The Pyramid) . [1991]
Tarr Dániel : Ziqquratu . (The Zikkurat) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : ICHTUS . (Ichtus - On Jesus) . [Autumn 1995] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : Jézus Rabbi . (Rabbi Jesus) . [Autumn 1995] {GDBC Philosophy of Religion} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Az apokaliptikus áramlatok világképe . (The Vision of Apocalyptic Trends) . [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Role of the Egyptian Religion in Early Greek Thought . [TMHS Philosophy 1993]


Transhumanism :


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» the Transhumanist Library

» my Transhumanist Directory

Available in Hungarian:

Nick Bostrom : Mi a transzhumanizmus? . (What is transhumanism?) . [WTA 2004] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Nick Bostrom : A transzhumanizmus kérdései . (Transhumanist F.A.Q.) . [WTA 2004] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Az internet mítosza . (The Internet Myth) . [ELTE CAD 1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Available in English:

Daniel Tarr : The Declaration of Cosmic Awarness and the Will for Extraterrestrial Alien Contact . [2005] - [(MS Word) «read it ]

Daniel Tarr : WebCam World - The World on One Page . [2005]


Western Philosophy :


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» the Philosophy Library


Available in Hungarian:

History of Philosophy

Bence Tarr : The "Philosophy of Nature" in Heracleitus' fragments . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Heracleitus : "Philosophy of Nature" . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Bence : A Lét a pre-taoista és Preszókratikus filozófiában - Wang-pi és Parmenidész . (Wang-pi and Parmenides - The question of Existance in pre-taoist and presocratic philosophy) . [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Pyrrho and Buddhism . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Aurelius Augustinus . [Autumn 1995] {GDBC History of Philosophy}
Daniel Tarr : Aurelius Augustinus: Confessions . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Descartes: Discourse on Method . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Tarr Dániel : A felborult rend filozófiája - Hesziodosz és a Ji-King . (The Philosophy of Lost Order - Hesiod and the Ji-King) [Spring 1994] {GDBC Ancient- and Chinese Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Hume: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Individualism and modern philosophy . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Plato . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Plato: Phaedo . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}
Daniel Tarr : Pre-Socratic Thought – The Philosophy of ONE . [Autumn 1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy}
Daniel Tarr : Rousseau: Social Contract . [1993] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László}


Bence Tarr : The External World in light of Hume's Radical Scepticism . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Hume's Scepticism in light of Kantian Crtiticism . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Kant: Ding An Sich . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Plato's Chora - The problem of "Space" in Plato's Timaus . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Plato's Enlightenment - The concept of phronesis . [1993] {GDBC Ancient Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Wittgenstein's Docta Ignorantia . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Wittgenstein's ontology - The world as logical space . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Yogacara and Realism - An Addition to Naive Realism . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]

Available in English:

Bence Tarr : The Question of Induction in Hume's Enquiry . {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : The Theory of Direct Realism . [1999] {ELTE Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Cognition and Freedom in 17-18th century philosophy . [1992] {ELTE PHIL Nagy László} 
Daniel Tarr : The Theory of Direct Realism – In the light of Theories of Perception . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Empiricism} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]


Daniel Tarr : The Concept of Metempsychosis in Early Greek Philosophy . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Philosophy and Religion} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Plato's Enlightenment – The concept of phronesis . [Autumn 2001] {CEU Ancient Philosophy} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]


Cultural Anthropology


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» the Anthropology Library


Available in Hungarian:

Hindu-Buddhist Culture :

Bence Tarr : Amritsar - The Nectar Lake . [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Buddhism and Capitalism . [ELTE CAD 1997.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : The Cult of the Adi Grantha in Amritsar . [ELTE CAD BA Thesis, 1998.] - [(MS Word) « read it ] (offline version only)
Tarr Bence : A Nyingma Kialakulása . (The Origins of Nyingma) . [1999] {GDBC Buddhist Tantra course notes} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Ladakh - The Power of Circumstance . [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Bence Tarr : Murti - The true form of idolatry . [ELTE CAD, 1996.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Csenrézi . (Chenrezig). [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} – [MTA Etno-regional Research Centre, Workbook 10., 1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Tarr Dániel : Siva Kultusza . (The Cult of Siva) . (ELTE CAD MA Thesis) [Spring 1999] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Hindu Tantra jegyzet . (Hindu Tantra Notes) . (Schoolbook of the GDBC, 1996.) [1996] - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Tarr Dániel : Indiai Aszketizmus . (Indian Asceticism) . [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD BA} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Indian Ascetics . (Exhibition Plan Outline) [Spring 1998] {ELTE CAD Museology} - [(MS Word) « read it ] (offline version only)
Daniel Tarr : The Indian Cast System . [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : A Hindu Tantra követői és gyakorlata . (The followers and practices of Hindu Tantra) . (GDBC MA Thesis) [Spring 1997] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Gábor Takácsy : Khailasanatha . [2002] {GDBC Early Indian Culture} -[[(MS Word) « read it ] (offline version only)
Kara István : Kápalika Szádhana . (Kapalika Sadhana) . (GDBC BA Thesis) [2001] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Jonathan Parry : Az Aghori Aszkéták . (The Aghori Ascetics) . [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Sociology :

Bence Tarr : Toraja - Death Rites . [ELTE CAD MA Thesis, 1999.] - [(MS Word) « read it ] (offline version only)
Bence Tarr : Buddhism and Capitalism . [ELTE CAD 1997.] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr: Franz Boas . [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr: How I do my Research . [Autumn 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Tarr Dániel : Az internet mítosza . (The Internet Myth) . [ELTE CAD 1996] - [in The Internet Myth {Kodolányi Füzetek 3.} [Kodolányi János Főiskola (1999) ISBN 9630384329] - [(MS Word) « read it or » Check out the on-line version ]
Daniel Tarr : 'Nam on the Net . [Spring 1996] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Nationalism and National Minorities . [Spring 1994] {ELTE DELL} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Vision of Apocalyptic Trends . [Spring 1997] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Travel :

Daniel Tarr : Amritsar - The Golden Temple and the Nectar Lake . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Benares - The City of Ascetics . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 2. (1997 April)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Indian Drug ‘95 . - [Törökfürdö (1/1996) & Magyar Narancs VIII/28 (11/06/1996) & VillanyMancs (04/07/2003)] - [(MS Word) « read it
Daniel Tarr : Kashmir '95 - War in the Himalayas . [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Khajuraho - Sex temples of India . [Magyar Hírlap - Világszám 1. (1997 March)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Ladakh - The Last Shangri-la . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Lappland . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Manali - The World of Cannabis . - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Paris Nouveau [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/4 (1997 November)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Scotland . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Thailand [Autumn 1997] - [Max 1997/2 (1997 September)] - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Valencia and Granada . (documentary film commentary) - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Drugs :

Daniel Tarr : Indian Drug '95 . [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it
Daniel Tarr : Kashmir '95 . [Autumn 1995] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Manali '95 . [Spring 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Tunisian Drug '96. [Autumn 1996] {ELTE CAD} - [(MS Word) « read it ]

Other :

Daniel Tarr : The Camera Hungary '99 Television Festival - [in The Future of the Media [Média Hungária (1999)]


Interested?   Write and I will send you a copy.

English Literature and Linguistics

Available in English:

British-American Culture :

 Linguistics :

Literature :



Available in Hungarian:

The Buddha at Kamakura [1995] {poems in English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Robin Maxwell: The Queen's Bastard (Chapters 1-3.) [2002] {a romantic, historic novel}

Chogyam Trugpa: The Roar of the Lion - Wisdom and Craziness . (translation by Bence Tarr) [2001] {from English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Heracleitus: Fragments . (translation by Bence Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit and English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Jonathan Parry: Sacrificial Death and the necrophagous ascetic . (translation by Daniel Tarr) [1997] {from English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Klaus Mylius: Buddhist Literature - The History of Ancient Literature in India . (translation by Emese Héjjas) [1996] {from German} - [(MS Word) « read it ]
Russel Webb : The Pali Canon - Structure and brief content. (translation by László Farkas) [1994] -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Vajrasattva prayer . (translation by Bence Tarr) {from Tibetan and English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Vasubandhu: Tri-svabhava-nirdesa - "The Teaching of the Three Selves". (translation by Daniel Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit and English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
Vasubandhu: Vijnapti-matrata-siddhi - "The Proof of the Mind only". (translation by Daniel Tarr) [1996] {from Sanskrit and English} -[[(MS Word) « read it ]
The Wise and the Fool - Tibetan Buddhist stories from the "Wdzangsz-blun zsesz bja-bai'i mdo". (translation by Daniel Tarr and many others) [1993-94] {from Tibetan} [published by: Palatinus, 1998.]


Interested?   Write and I will send you a copy.

Social Politics

All documents were written for the Hungarian Ministry of Education » Check out my work there

Available in Hungarian:

Presentations :

Strategic Documents :

Summaries :

Interested?   Write and I will send you a copy.




Web and Graphic Design

Flash :

Card21 . [2000] {Multisoundd} - [« view it ] (offline version only)
Multisoundd Web Flash Collection . [2000] {Multisoundd} - [« view it ] (offline version only)
Szitas Ltd . [2000] {Multisoundd} - [« view it ] (offline version only)
Tristan Verboven . [2001] {FutureSync} - [« view it ] (offline version only)

Web design :

Studio21 Training Center . [2003] (»check site) - [« view it ] (offline version only)
ZENtendence . [2003] (»check site) - [« view it ] (offline version only)
Munkaugyi Honlap promo . [2002] (»check site) - [« view it ] (offline version only)
Sierra 2000 Ltd. . [1999] - (lost in cyberspace)
Danubius Language School . [1999] (»check site) (redesigned) - (lost in cyberspace)
The Gate of Dharma Buddhist College . [1998] (»check site) (redesigned) - (lost in cyberspace)

Interested?   » Check out my designer background .



Coursenotes :

Buddhism and Hinduism

Daniel Tarr : Buddhist epistemology . [1997] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Bence Tarr : Buddhist Tantra . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Basic Buddhist Teachings . [1997] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Hinayana Buddhism . [1997] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Hindu Tantra . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Classic Yoga . [1997] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : Mahayana Buddhism . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]

Cultural Anthropology

Daniel Tarr : Introducion to Cultural Anthropology . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Theory of Cultural Anthoropology . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Anthropology of Asia . [1996] {ELTE CAD & GDBC} -[[« read it ]
Daniel Tarr : The Anthropology of India . [1997] {ELTE CAD & GDBC} -[[« read it ]

Hermetic Philosophy

Daniel Tarr : Heremetics . [1996] {GDBC} -[[« read it ]

Curriculum :

Buddhism - E-Learning curriculum . [2003] {Műszaki Könyvkiadó} -[[« read it ]
Ethics - a religious comparison . [1994] {Tarab Institute} -[[« read it ]

Film :

The Day of Sorrow - Plot 301. [Budapest, Hungary (1996)] (will be digitalized one day)
Equinox  [Lake Balaton, Hungary (1998)] - national broadcast by the Hungarian National Television (Csak Ma (MTV1 20/03/2000 & MTV2 09/04/2000) (will be digitalized one day)

Other :

MTV article about me at the time [2000] - [« view it ]



Want to know more?

» Check out my References .

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Last updated: 21-12-2005